What is stress
Quote from S.M. Simonton
"Non-verbal contact communicates warmth and sincerity, giving way to the inexpressible. The physical support supposes a type of love and constitutes a great psychological food, sometimes more effective and motivating than the word "
Youth and burnout
For millennials, burnout is part of everyday life. Nearly 40 percent think it is normal to experience burnout and just over a quarter think they have experienced burnout in the past.
Emotional Pain
Fighting emotions takes a lot of energy, hurts and makes one sick. The emotion itself does not hurt and is even healing.
The energy literally flowed through my body, tingling, and that is a sensation impossible to describe. The result is a full, relaxed and soft feeling. Alive, and also half floating, so smoothly. Very natural. Kees' expertise, fine care and personal attention touched me deep inside. I stepped back out the door light, warm and at peace.
TED The 6th stress reaction: asking for help!
Having feelings isn't a sign of weakness -- they mean we're human, People diagnosed with anxiety and depression, often feel too ashamed to tell anybody. Many misread depression and anxiety as a weakness and that keeps sufferers from getting help.