
I am. Done a lot in all kinds of fields, business and personal. Psychology, philosophy, meditation, yoga, as well as sales, marketing, finance, management and corporate leadership. Two seemingly separate worlds side by side.

First part of my life I was very much looking. to myself. The second part of my life busy growing. Now more concerned with letting go and being unconditionally present.

As I coached people professionally and privately, I saw more and more the limitations of the talking approach, the cognitive blather: text, metaphors and concepts. Time and again I saw in people an imbalance between feeling and thinking. The body as an object (sports, yoga, diet) rather than the source of our sense of life. With all its consequences: Tension, Stress, Burnout and unprocessed Trauma.

By taking body experience as the starting point of “life taking you go back to wholeness and the core

The first part of my life I lived mostly for myself and my family. Worked hard as a breadwinner. And much experienced in business, spiritual and relational fields. Through trial and error, I learned a lot. Experienced with four children, relationships and divorce, narcissism, my own developmental process, therapy and coaching training, hundreds of books and movies and now over 1,000 BodyMind sessions. And every day I learn from everyone I meet.

Now that I am older, I would like to give back to others. Sharing my experience and life lessons.

That is why I am doing this
Out of gratitude

My development

After an initial experience 30 years ago with Holotropic Breathing by Stan Grof followed therapy training in Psychosynthesis with Karina Kalderwaay in Ouderkerk a/d Amstel and subsequently ProcessWork with Arnold Mindell.

Practical in my corporate work were The Art of Intervening with Edu Feltman, Personal Coaching and practical experience with Framingand Focusing. This I later supplemented with NLP workshops, Hypnosis andNeuro Hypnotic Repatterning With Richard Bandler, founder of NLP.

Everything so far has been fairly cognitively oriented. The bridge was Patterns of Physical Transformation by Ron & Edie Perry. This first led me to the idea of combining hypnosis and bodywork into … Hypno-Massage!!!

This remained an idea until I was in Ibiza Body Knows Breathwork by now Spanish-Mexican friend Jorge Jordán. He bridged the gap between hypnosis and body with conscious synchronized breathing.

For more depth in bodywork, I attended Manuel Lugue Aguilera multiple Thai Massage trainings, Thai Yoga Massage as well as Chi Nei Tsang,Thai Belly Massage. At the same time, I was receiving high-frequency massage sessions in a variety of styles from fellow masseurs. In order to gain as much hands-on experience as possible.

Intense bodywork and trauma processing are an extension of each other, so what followed were Trauma Release and MER Master classes with Rebalancing masters such as Anubuddha & Anasha and Satyarthi Peloquin.

More recently, I have trained with Mantak Chia and Charles Muir in both Sexual Chi Kung as well as Tantric Massage techniques and rituals. In the Czech Republic, I trained Core Touch andCore Cry with Denisa & Richard, tantric therapies for healing physical and emotional scars after sexual and physical trauma.

Tarika Glubin taught me how to workwith InnerChild de-conditioning in heramazing Rebellious Spirit workshops.

With the work of Betty Martin and the Wheel of Consent I gained more awareness around touch and personal boundaries.

Richard Grannon has taught me a lot about Narcissism, CPTSD. Inner Critic and Psycho-education around trauma processing.
Highly recommended!

In particular, the work of Stephen Porges and his PolyVagal Theory are the basis of my trauma approach.

In 2020, I completed a Psycho-Social Base training to better understand mainstream mental health care. To safely direct people to whom to turn for what care. In 2023, training followed from Dr. Krista Burns in Postural Neurology, which dovetailed nicely with earlier work by Edie Perry, with what has since become The Perry Method.

Belly To Bellyby David Cates was one of my finesttrainings because of the simplicity and power of David’s approach.

Somewhere along the way I was also initiated into Usui Reiki.

I prefer to receive as often as possible a Deep Tissue Massage from Renu. Her golden hands and my conscious breath make each session a profound celebration.

Healing starts when feeling safe

I work a lot with conscious breathing in combination with your body awareness as a gateway to deeper awareness. With loving attention to the universal wisdom of your body, we unfold a healing awareness process in the here and now, opening doors that remain closed while talking and thinking.

The body knows best …
Trust Your Body to Be More Conscious

Never too old to learn …

first name kk

Kees Klesman | BodyMind Coach

Kees BodyMind CoachBodyMind Coach
Recovery begins when your body signals ‘safe’