Best explanation of narcissism
Although it is about Trump, the explanation is brilliant and an eye opener if you still believe in fairy tales.
Tolle on meditation
Do you ever find yourself stuck in a story about your life? It can become a habitual place of mental noise that you feel is you. If we can make a shift in consciousness from our surface-level perspective to a deeper awareness, then we transcend the personal sense of identity.
Stress and its impact on your brain
Modern life seems to be becoming increasingly stressful. And so many of today's health complaints are stress related. While stress isn't always a bad thing, it can help you to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and discover new levels of success. Some stress can be motivating and supportive, but prolonged stress actually begins to change your brain. Overwork, conflict, and other major stressors affect brain structure, functioning and even the genetic structure.
Everyone addicted?
Bright Silence
QiGong energy practice