Safe Contact during BodyMind sessions
- We follow the safety instructions
- I will send you this safety protocol in advance.
- We will discuss this safety protocol at the beginning of your visit.
- We agree which action will be performed how and where and how to deviate from protocol.
- Personal protective equipment, such as a mouth mask and gloves, will be used where necessary.
- Upon modified advice from RIVM, this protocol will be modified.
Additional hygiene and protective measures
What you do
- You stay home if you, or one of your roommates, have cold symptoms, such as nasal cold, runny nose, sore throat, mild cough, shortness of breath or elevation (above 38 degrees Fahrenheit).
- We do not shake hands or embrace.
- Upon entering, you hang your own coat.
- Then wash your hands first. Dry off with paper towels.
- Door handles are touched by you as little as possible.
- Before the session begins, you will shower.
- After the session, you wash your hands again.
- You grab your own coat when you leave.
What I do
- If I have health issues, I cancel the session.
- I wash my hands before you come in.
- Door handles were additionally cleaned before and after each session.
- Chair rails, table top, toilet, shower and floor of the massage room were cleaned after each session when used.
- I wash my hands again before beginning any kind of touching.
- Massage is always done on clean (hand) cloths.
- I will not touch your face. The back of your head, though.
- The area around the headrest was additionally cleaned after each session.
- I send you a tick and you pay by return.