

If you can’t feel what your body needs

If you can't feel what your body needs, you can't take care of it. If you don't feel hungry, you can't feed yourself. If you confuse anxiety with hunger, you may eat too much, and if you can't feel satiated, you'll keep eating.

Adult Children of Narcissists Face Trauma-Induced Health Risks

Narcissism has become a buzzword these days often "full of sound and fury, signifying nothing," to quote Macbeth. But for adult children of narcissists (ACoNs)-those who have lived with the narcissist disordered personality as their primary caretakers-the reality is painfully serious and the health stakes are high.


People living in irrelationship activate behavioral routines learned in childhood that relieved anxiety by making their parents feel better. We made the acronym GRAFTS as a simple tool to help organize our thinking: Good, Right, Absent, Funny, Tense and Smart.

Narcissism and Abuse as a Co-Created Relationship System

People living in irrelationship activate behavioral routines learned in childhood that relieved anxiety by making their parents feel better. We made the acronym GRAFTS as a simple tool to help organize our thinking: Good, Right, Absent, Funny, Tense and Smart.

Sitting in the fire

When the BodyMind session reaches the intense level, it is not about stopping the process (because we do not "know" what to do), but about containing and giving support to favor the process of change that is taking place. It's like conciously sitting in the fire and remaining there having confidence healing takes place from within. It's all about non-doing and creating a space for what is present.

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