


Seneca - I realized that your grief should not be [...]

Men Women Relationships | Mars & Venus

Since the publication of Men Come from Mars, Women Come from Venus, it has sold millions of copies worldwide. The secret to this book? Men and mourners think, feel, communicate and love differently. They seem to come from different planets! John Gray explains it flawlessly with this metaphor. If you understand that sometimes you don't understand anything about each other, many problems are solved immediately.


Being an individual requires having a room of one's own, not because it is one's possession, but because only there, in solitude, away from the pressure of others, can one develop the features and styles that differentiate one's own being from others.

Our thoughts are geologic upheavals of feeling

An immensity of our reasoning is devoted to making sense of, or rationalizing, the emotional patters that underpin our intuitive responses to the world and therefore shape our very reality. Our interior lives unfold across landscapes that seem to belong to an alien world whose terrain is as difficult to map as it is to navigate.

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