For a complete re-set to rest

Experience healing peace from within
The goal is ultra-deep relaxation for peace and quiet in your mind and for new energy.

During a session, we help you focus on physical and mental sensations to further deepen and anchor them. By consciously connecting with your body, you gain access to currently unconscious sensations and processes.
Deen BodyMind session deepens your human experience and understanding of yourself. Where necessary and if desired by you, hypnotic suggestions may be added to the treatment.

Minimally this is the best full-body massage in Amsterdam, maximally it is a transpersonal experience with new insights and a healing effect on body and mind.

Basically, during this treatment you lie clothed under a towel

  • Completely Letting Go
  • Back to your Core
  • You feel like you’ve been reborn
  • Full of energy and in balance

Your investment

  • 2 hours
  • 150,-
  • Towels and shower provided
