Breathe low if you have trouble with that. Sometimes it’s because of tension that’s locked under your heart, around your diaphragm.

Try the following

Stand quietly upright with feet shoulder-width apart. Hands approximately in front of your navel, with fingers interlocked, as in prayer. Keep those fingers intertwined like this, with the exception of your pinky and ring fingers. You stretch these so that fingertips on inside of fingers are against each other. Middle finger, index finger and thumb are still in prayer position. Now gently breathe in to your pelvic floor. Do that several times for as long as it feels comfortable.
Repeat this during the day as often as you want/can. Just because you can and you think about it, not because you have to.
Deep breathing is very healing. Gives your body the message: there is enough oxygen so no worries. this helps to reduce or even quiet the stress impulse 😀
Good luck!