Naked Crying? Act Normal!

Thinking is an activity that is part of our security system. When something is exciting we are more in our thinking than in our feeling. Unfortunately but for most, this is no different.

So if I am intimate with someone and I am incomplete in my feeling but partially or completely in my thinking then my thinking will determine what is and is not allowed according to my experiences, triggers and memories. So if I then feel for a moment and this feeling evokes a reaction, any reaction then thinking can think something of that. If the body wants to squirm or make a sound then that may or may not be ok. Or if at a moment, while you are lying there naked, the body wants to laugh or cry, then perhaps thinking will push that into the background. Because thinking chooses the safe route. Must choose.

True intimacy is feeling safe enough to open up to all that is in the presence of another. Intimacy is the trust that the other person keeps you safe whatever comes to mind, whatever wants to be, whatever demands expression. Movement, e-motion, thought, sound. So also crying when lying naked next to each other and touching each other passionately. Crying with sadness or crying with bliss. Everything is allowed to be there.

Suppressing something from thought stops the experience of happiness, intimacy and leaves an unprocessed residue of e-motion. It confirms a childhood pattern that still wants to be expressed, wants to be completed, wants expression.