TED The 6th stress reaction: asking for help!

Having feelings isn't a sign of weakness -- they mean we're human, People diagnosed with anxiety and depression, often feel too ashamed to tell anybody. Many misread depression and anxiety as a weakness and that keeps sufferers from getting help.

By |2017-10-08T20:13:48+02:008 October 2017|BOOK, Mentally Stronger, Technology|Comments Off on TED The 6th stress reaction: asking for help!

Keeping cortisol in check | Nine top tips

Chronically elevated cortisol levels are exceptionally bad for your health. This problem is associated with hormone imbalance, elevated blood sugar levels, cardiovascular disease, elevated cholesterol levels, and also adrenal exhaustion. An additional annoying problem is the storage of fat around your waist.

By |2017-10-03T14:52:23+02:003 October 2017|BOOK, Mentally Stronger, Technology|Comments Off on Keeping cortisol in check | Nine top tips
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