TED Revolutionary Love
https://www.ted.com/talks/valarie_kaur_3_lessons_of_revolutionary_love_in_a_time_of_rage?utm_source=newsletter_daily&utm_campaign=daily&utm_medium=email&utm_content=image__2018-02-09 TED Revolutionairy Love
TED on emotional courage
Emotional brain expresses itself through physical reactions
The more frenzied we feel, the more the rational brain gives way to our emotions
The breath of BodyMind
Being able to breathe calmly and remain in a state of relative physical relaxation, even while recalling painful and horrific memories, is an essential skill for recovery.
The importance of mindfulness
Traumatized people live with seemingly untenable feelings. It feels like their heart is broken, they are left with unbearable feelings in their stomach or literally feel stuffy. Yet any avoidance of such feelings actually makes our bodies more susceptible to being overwhelmed by them.