Chronic stress destroys a lot
Tension in your body, grinding thoughts, difficulty focusing, chronic fatigue and physical complaints? Burnout or on the way to it? You are "always on the run. With always a panting lion behind you? You have already tried all kinds of things and followed well-meaning advice from others. And still you are not really comfortable in your own skin. Body and mind increasingly lose their natural, healing balance
Your body knows best what is right
Constant stress from deep physical insecurity causes you to sub-ventilate, to breathe inadequately. No one breathes relaxed with a running lion behind them. It can be done differently! Re-set your body decreased muscle tension peace of mind better digestion healthy sexuality more energy at the cellular level healthy weight faster recovery detoxification
The body is the entry point for coaching
BodyMind Balancing is unique because of the combination of Personal Coaching and Bodywork You yourself actively participate in the session because your breathing is the anchor for synchronous pressure massage, this combined with evocative music. From safety and trust, we allow body and mind to connect originally.
Balance in BodyMind . Fun AND Results
Being out of balance essentially hits you deep in your core You keep going until you get sick sooner or later. In your body and in your head. BodyMind Balancing is a new, unique and intuitive process that combines several techniques in one treatment. It therefore takes you further and deeper faster than a single massage or coaching session
Minimally this is the best full-body massage in Amsterdam, maximally it is a transpersonal experience with new insights and a healing effect on body and mind By consciously connecting with your body, you gain access to currently unconscious sensations and processes. This deepens your human experience and understanding of yourself
You know best what is good for you You are balanced and regularly in positive contact with your body. And you want to keep it that way. Pampering is better than curing