Cees Schenk on burnout
Since Mr. Freudenberger defined the term burnout in the 1970s, a great deal of research has been done on the effects of stress. For example, engagement with work is found to be negatively affected by stress, but feelings of well-being and the degree of effective action also deteriorate dramatically.
People are complex collections
We are a complex collection of emotions, tendencies, desires and traits that often send us in different, conflicting directions. What to do ?
The Self Illusion
Most of us believe that we possess a self - an internal individual who resides inside our bodies, making decisions, authoring actions and possessing free will. Sorry guys!
The day i became a bird
We tuck our messy real selves behind polished veneers, orchestrate grand gestures, and perform various psychoemotional acrobatics driven by the illusion that love is something we must earn by what we do, rather than something that comes to us unbidden simply for who we are.
Lebanese-American artist, poet, and philosopher Kahlil Gibran (January 6, 1883-April 10, 1931)
Kahlil Gibran on loving in relationships