Intuition as part of being safe
Safety awareness is there before we can talk, form language concepts and before we are aware of ourselves. It is active in all living things.
Intuition is knowing cq acting without the intervention of conscious thought. Before there is a “perception,” assessment, comparison, before I have made an analysis. Intuition penetrates objects and the world or vice versa, without words or analysis. It connects me to the essence, the absolute, the pure, directly, in the moment, without conditioned judgment or reaction. The essence that cannot be captured in words or concepts. It comes to me in a pre-cognitive consciousness. Intuition is prescience. (check link to animal communication trust technique)
Sex and art can be such intuitions. Where thinking falls away, Where action and awareness of that action remain. Where I merge with the material or with the physical body, there is intuition. Where I mindlessly consciously merge with material, with another body. That is the field of intuition.
Sensations come to me through senses to monitor homeostasis. On that sensory information, my body acts without the intervention of thought. Completely autonomous. Just like with animals.
In addition, in my body there are automatic associative links between separate sets of data. Data stored in my nervous system (including my brain and all the ramifications in my body down to the cellular level). Links created automatically and autonomously. Associative links based on previous experiences with safety-promoting responses that have become what we call learned conditioning. Your hand automatically pulling away from the hot stove. This is a completely non-conceptual and natural process which occurs without the intervention of thought. It is chter though a filter that goes over my direct experience through which my intuition, my direct knowing, the pure experience, can be muted.
A fraction of the data stored in the BodyMind is consciously accessible; almost everything happens below the conscious threshold. For the control freaks among us; like driving an oil tanker with a 1-inch steering wheel while looking into the world through a straw. Thanks to my intuitions, things still work out.
So too in the encounter with another being. With a different nervous system. There is a constant dialogue between the two beings below the threshold of consciousness; through scent molecules, micro movement and imitations, posture, breath, pupils, energy flows in the body.
And I believe that is can have an intuition without sensory input. Extra-sensory. The world I can experience is determined cq limited by the senses I have. If I am born blind I will have a completely different world experience. Would I have an extra sense also I would have a completely different world experience. To think that our limited senses reveal the universe in totality to us is a delusion. There is just more if we had more senses to perceive it. This is where extrasensory perception comes into play. For now, I assume it is there and can play into our raw intuition.
Everything is information and its interpretation. For the sake of Being and thus for the sake of safety to continue Being. The essence of “something” is encoded with the idea of what that “something” is. Not my idea what I make of it via senses, interpretation and thinking. But an inert idea of that object or being. The blueprint of that being or object Being. The essence of a tree is different from the information that makes it a tree for me.
Innate intuitions
  • Time
  • Space
  • Essence of “something
  • Awareness of good vs. bad
Emerging intuitions
  • Gradually develops as an abbreviated route, as a nonlinear equation.
  • A (wild) guess
  • Sensing something time giving
  • Insights, gut feeling
Idiotic Intuition
  • Precedes an action
  • Moral consideration/math
  • Something we aall agree on without explicit agreement, e.g. thou shalt not kill.
  • Structures in our thinking
Listen. Observe. Not from the outside. From within.
Retreat into your mind before opening your mind to another.
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