Exercises for embodiment. Your body in.

  • Exhale longer without! counting as sometimes pranayama 4/6 with counting. Counting is cognitive activity. Feeling is different. Conceptless.
  • Baby Breath
  • James French presence
  • Dance movement per def in the body in the now. Autonomous, unike and own acting
  • Music soothing voices
  • Feel your heartbeat
  • Wheel waking hands
  • Children’s babies animals. Look into the eyes of a dog or horse or cat
  • Co-regulation with loving others!
  • Feeling where your breath lives at any given time



Cognitive therapies are safe because they approach primal pain dissociatively with the filter of language and conceptual thought patterns. Pseudo feeling. Page 101 hein

  • List left and right not to continue (-), to do more or + , Doing something nice for yourself