There is nothing wrong with you! At most, something about your security system is misaligned. Ever. When there was an important reason to make an adjustment in your perception of what you saw and found an adjusted response to that. That adjustment has brought you safely to this moment. Chapeau security system!

That it bothers me now as an adult is another issue. I can then work on that. But working from the realization that there is nothing wrong with ME. That under the blanket of my conditioned behavior I am still pure, though with experience, and that makes me richer. Some of my talents come from there. The security from my childhood kn be gently released. Gently and gratefully. Grateful, because the behavior did bring me safely to this moment. Careful because I was going to fiddle with my security system and that has only 1 purpose. Keeping me safe. And if there is no good and proven alternative yet, then the old system will respond to a stimulus in the old familiar way.

I see the security system as a frightened animal or a frightened child. Nor do I forbid that to be afraid, or angry, or sad. I lovingly guide that so it can process the experience. Like a good parent. Most people have a certain image of a good parent, namely their own parents who tried oh so hard. From love. Only whether they were a good parent in the case of trauma can be questioned. Trauma arises because there was no physical or emotional connection in a situation that was, at that time, incomprehensible and unprocessable in me as a child.