
Tolle on meditation

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a story about your life? It can become a habitual place of mental noise that you feel is you. If we can make a shift in consciousness from our surface-level perspective to a deeper awareness, then we transcend the personal sense of identity.

Door |2017-01-22T16:55:18+01:0022 januari 2017|Denkwerk, Mentaal Sterker|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Tolle on meditation


The overcompliant, obedient child has the pleasure of short-term safety; he is keeping the mother going by making demands that are well within what he takes to be the mother's range (he is not being a difficult child; he is keeping the mother happy, not straining her). The non-compliant child is free to find out what the mother's range might be, and, by the same token, what his own range might be.

Door |2016-10-23T11:47:14+02:0023 oktober 2016|Denkwerk|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Obedience!
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