
The 4-7-8 sleep trick

The 4-7-8 sleep trick

  • Assume a comfortable position.
  • Place the tip of your tongue against the back of the upper teeth during the exercise
  • Inhale for 4 seconds through the nose with the mouth closed
  • Hold the breath for 7 seconds
  • Exhale fully through the mouth with a sssshhh […]


I was born with 12 divine talents (Devine Bundle) that keep me safe. If I develop healthily then these divine talents remain intact. However, when I become damaged I my security then these divine talents can be hit and disabled or distorted.

Imagine … me as a two-year-old, in all my […]

Natural Stress Reactions

In the herd

  1. Asking for help
  2. Freeze
  3. Flight
  4. Fight
  5. Fawn – Tend and befriend (Stockholm)

Alone, separate from the herd

  1. Detatch (into the mind)
  2. Collapse (preserving energy when hopeless)
  3. Shake (release)

what is the impetus for this book?

Research question?

  • What is the relationship between acceptance of emerging emotions and feeling able to be intimate.
  • How down do I regulate myself?
  • How do I restore my body’s natural down regulation system?

Position statement

  • Safety is basis for all behavior
  • Safety aspect is underemphasized in therapy

Knowledge pooling

  • Trauma
  • Regulation
  • Safety




No one who feels and experiences exactly what you feel yourself (Lotte)

You are an experience. The experience you experience as your life.

That is why you are on earth. To feel and experience. Can only you.


Life is an individual experience. Pretty lonely. Yes. Not necessarily negative if we realize its depth.

Hence, […]

Take care of yourself and the other at the same time

Let others take care of themselves. I empower others (and myself) by no longer taking responsibility for anyone else. That I assume the other person can go for themselves. Being able to take care of himself. Or can ask for help. Or can indicate a boundary. Take them seriously!!! […]


its importance. That you can do that as an adult for your inner Child. now there is finally someone who sees the little boy or girl and wants and can be there for him her.

Social dances to feel safe(er)

Any new contact with others in the herd is exciting for my nervous system. It is naturally in the allert mode at such times. It is then important for me to confirm as quickly as possible that it is safe; I must regulate myself with the other person. Co-regulation. We […]

Waking up the hands

I use my senses mainly to find my way in the outside world.

I use the input to be able to use my brain, with everything I know about that outside world, to form a conceptual, internalized perception of my outside world. To get a sense of security from where. And […]

I am consciousness in an animal body

I am conscious and so there is a separation between body and mind, between body and mind. My thinking took on a life of its own in a conceptual world. a dissociated world. But underneath it all, I am still an animal, with an animal body. With all the trimmings. […]

Is it realistic to be in the NOW?

How realistic is it to always be in the NOW? Don’t we often talk about things that have already happened or things regarding what can still happen , future etc

We use past and future as entertainment so we miss what is happening in and in front of us now.

And yes […]

Everything passes

Everything changes. nothing stays the same, everything is in motion. no motion is dead. If I attach importance to the quality of something or someone, then I attach importance to something temporary, something impermanent, will disappear. Then I am always dealing with parting and a kind of mourning. Then I […]

Mock security

The nothing music in an elevator is there to make me feel safer. Like certain scents in stores to make calmer and thus more in the mood for buying something. Eating something together should inspire trust, hand on my shoulder or the Clinton handshake are meant to put the other […]

Loose text tantra and contact

In everything I say there is also an interpretation on your part. The confusion can be in the nuances. And yes, my being changes per breath. Every day my world changes and my body changes. Changed by the interaction with the world my reaction to that world. […]

Feeling with your mind

Sensing with mind or body, thinking-feeling, thinking-smelling thinking-tasting, as well as thinking-listening and thinking-looking. Through deterministic filter of security-driven thinking. Everything is labeled in terms of something we already know. We have difficulty perceiving something that has no connection to what we already know. The brain just won’t be able […]

Trauma lives on in the survival solution

I carry the trauma of things that I once could not process, that I could not give a place in my experiences until then. And that is still with me as undigested food in my intestines. Unspoken, incomplete, unfinished. Which waits to connect with the rest of my experiences. Parents […]

Square and round cubes

Trauma attachment dissolves in my transformation

Solutions chosen by my survival instinct are the basis of how I connect with others. If I work on my (sometimes unwanted) primary reaction then my connection to others will also change. Logical. One is connected to the other.

Change the world and start with yourself. […]

The function of joy and tranquility

Feeling happy and the motivation to move toward that is the future conservation of the species.
That while I am safe I can Recover, Feed and Breed. So pursuing a state of peace and joy is also safety-bound.
Beach conversation Mariette Sept 2021
I will do everything possible to keep me safe. Any […]
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