

Trauma results from an overwhelming event and from prolonged stress. Trauma means "wound. Long-term stress also causes both physical and emotional wounds. Animals instinctively process an overwhelming event. We humans are not very good at that (anymore) and continue to put unnecessary tension in our bodies. Resulting physical complaints, grinding thoughts and sleep disorders, to name a few.

By |2017-04-19T15:35:28+02:0019 April 2017|Sessions|Comments Off on StressRecovery


Waking up fresh and happy every day. You want to Regularly you lie awake, sometimes with grinding thoughts, restless and tired. Nights are for restoring balance, every night

By |2023-04-08T10:23:22+02:0017 April 2017|WHY ME|Comments Off on SLEEPING PROBLEM


Without proper discharge, tension is held. In the long run, this is killing. Temporary compensations become permanent. Lay the stress impulse still, opening the way to body's own recovery for more rest and more range of motion

By |2023-04-08T10:23:28+02:0013 April 2017|Inspiration|Comments Off on PHYSICAL COMPLAINTS
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