A trauma is a psychological or physical wound
The cause can be large and small. In any case, it is an overwhelming event for you at that moment that your system does not know what to do with at that moment.
Animals clearly show us what the automatic reflexes are when faced with such an overwhelming event – Fight or Flight. And if that fails, Freeze and if that doesn’t help Collapse. And animals also show us the path of recovery after trauma: Shake & Vibrate (Shake) the most primary response of our limbic brain, the oldest part, our animal brain. To release tension.
The latter is reflected in some expressions such as ‘he was shaking on his legs, she was shaking like a reed, shaking something off you, shaking bellies with laughter’.” For example, after a collision, you may get out with trembling legs or women may experience tremors in their bodies for several hours or even days after childbirth. Fantastic! The most natural reactive you can have! Which unfortunately is sometimes suppressed by our cultural or personal motives. To stand tall, to appear stronger than you feel at that moment. With dire consequences. That the tension you have been experiencing is not released but fixed.
To protect yourself, there is naturally a conditional contraction in your body. Your body contracts to protect your vulnerable parts. And after an “exciting” event, that contraction must be released. If this does not happen, physical and mental tension can settle in your body.
In a
Session, we seek out the tension in your body to allow natural vibration to arise from there. For recovery and healing of your wounds, to break free from your past and to move forward stronger and uninhibited. We can also repair blockages in your movement patterns by re-activating the neurological pathways in your brain. We then go back to the original blueprint, so to speak.
Recovery is not about letting go but about feeling through what is there
Recommended for TraumaRecovery and Deeprelax