Recovery only begins when your body signals ‘safe’

Recovery only begins when your body signals ‘safe’

Life is too short to let trauma and stress affect your joy of life
Every nervous system is primarily focused on safety. When I experience an overwhelming situation as a child, my nervous system can be calmed by the presence of safe, loving others who protect me and help me understand the situation. If this does not happen, my young nervous system will find a way to calm itself anyway. That self-developed “trauma resolution” can cause problems later in life.
Together, we help your nervous system find its way back to true, deep-seated safety.
BodyMind Breath-Synchronous Sessions are customized.
A BodyMind Session is essentially a guided combination of breathing, touch and meditation. You breathe, and I touch – similar to a massage, but attuned to your breathing. My touch largely follows the rhythm of your connected breathing. Breath is our primary form of communication. I guard the space and guide you in your process. It is an interplay, a collaboration.
First we discuss your intention for the session. Where your focus lies. This can vary from pure relaxation to processing trauma. And everything inbetween.
Then we combine conscious breathingwith touch.Touch as in various forms of massage.This together activates the self-healing ability of your body.
In a BodyMind session a different awareness that sometimes invites a conscious, healing journey into the subconscious.
Then we focus on anchoring the experience in your daily life
“The Mind cannot change the mind
Real change is not a mental process”

BodyMind Coach
Body and mind have one fundamental purpose: safety. Our bodies constantly seek safety within the human herd because without social connection we are vulnerable. Evolutionarily, our survival depends on the group.
Our thinking is a relatively young tool in evolution and comes into action primarily in the face of danger or threat. Like a deer, we can flee, and if that fails, fight like a tiger. What makes us unique is that with our thinking we can past and future – we can recall past experiences and predict possible dangers. A powerful, but also limited tool!
Tension occurs when natural, bodily movement – for whatever reason – is blocked.
You feel tension when your body signals that it is safer to left move, but the environment directs you to right push. In itself, tension is not wrong, as long as you can adjust and connected remain connected to the group. This sense of connection gives our nervous system and our BodyMindcombination an experience of safety.
But if you cannot adjust sufficiently, or if the connection with the group is compromised, the tension remains. The body then remains in a state of neurological insecurity stuck.
‘Thinking’ is quite different from ‘Noticing’
Body and mind working as one BodyMind system together to find a way back to safety. If they cannot, then false security is also an acceptable option – as long as the system experiences (temporary) peace. This unconscious adaptation process begins at an early age and occurs in subtle and ingenious ways. We call this conditioning.
Many of these conditionings suppress feeling(Body) and send us instead to thinking(Mind). This is a clever trick of the nervous system to relieve tension. By framing an experience framing” an experience – in other words, interpreting it differently – the tension temporarily seems less.
This works in the short term, but if it goes on too long, it can actually cause problems. Sometimes anchors this re-framing into automatic patterns of behavior and thinking. Then a reset needed to get back in touch with true safety.
Deferred feelings still want to be felt. This can only be done through conscious contact with your bodybecause feeling happens in the body.
Recognizing and better guarding your boundaries helps you achieve deep peace and true security experience. It is the key to shifting from need and want to simply being safe – and living your life as it is truly meant to be lived.
Feeling empowered begins with coming home to a body that feels safe
BodyMind for you too
Life is constantly pushing and pulling, both privately and in your work. Perhaps you are actively engaged in your personal developmentor just recovering from a period where everything was was. And sometimes, just sometimes, there is something from your past that wants to be felt and processed.
Breath Touch Attention
“BodyMind is unique because of the combination of breath, touch
and unconditional attention.”
“BodyMind is unique because of the combination of breath, touch
and unconditional attention.”
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‘At la minimum the best massage in Amsterdam’
Sessions may run overtime at no cost to you. Please leave ample time after the session so you can integrate and land on planet earth.
Invest in your personal well-being
Don’t let cost be a consideration in your choice for a better life.
There are special rates for off-peak and last minute bookings.
Please feel free to call me for consultation or if you are tight on time.